首先,在面谈前准备好材料是很有必要的; 其次,在面谈时准备好一些问题的答案也是非常有必要的! 因为在面谈过程中,面试官可能会根据你提供的材料以及你准备好的问题来问你一些问题. 如果没有提前准备的话,那么很可能会答非所问哦~ 一、面签前的资料准备(重要)
4、照片:51mm × 51mm的白底彩照三张。
8、财产证明(如果有就带上吧) 9、工作证明(如果有公司开的工作证明最好了) 10、单位营业执照副本或组织机构代码证复印件加盖公章 二、提前准备的常见问题及回答思路 1.Why do you want to go the United States? 为什么想去美国? 回答思路:可以这么说: “First of all, I've been a fan of American movies from my childhood and have great interest in western culture. And it seems that there are many chances for me to achieve it through studying here, like learning new knowledge or making more friends with different nationalities. Besides, America is where most famous companies base their headquarter, such as Google, Apple etc which attracts lots of young people like myself. Therefore, I would make good use of this rare chance and try my best to become better and help our company build up stronger relations with those big multinational firms if possible.”
2.Why are you leaving your home country? 为什么要离开自己的国家赴美留学呢? 这个很简单啊...“因为我想出去锻炼自己嘛哈哈哈” 或者你也可以说:我觉得在中国很难有发展的空间什么的(当然不要这样说啦). "I really think US has much brighter future than China at present stage because they pay attention to developing economy on science and technology instead of building up huge industry chains out of low quality consumer goods, so I believe that staying here can bring about more opportunities for me personally" 3.What will you do when school work is too busy to join activities? 你在学校作业很多的时候怎么办? 回答思路: 可以说我会合理安排时间之类的, 具体可参考下面这句话: To start off first thing tomorrow morning, then take some time over lunch to study whatever needs doing by the end of the day. Then get back into gear after dinner till late. On Sunday mornings, however, relax with coffee before settling down to tidy things away ready for action next week! 4.How are you going to support yourself during your studies? 在读期间你是怎么支撑自己的生活费用的? 回答思路:我会在美国打工呀. 我会学习当地文化,参加各种活动等等..... 然后你就可以开始吹嘘在美国能学到多少东西啦哈哈! (其实一般面试官也不会让你详细描述你在美国的计划之类的,大概问问就可以了~)
5.Where will you live when you arrive in USA? Why? 到达美国后